Make Money Taking Surveys Online With YouGov

Khamis, 4 Oktober 2018


If you’re looking for a way to earn a little extra cash on the side, sign-up for the online-based survey site called YouGov. Get paid to share your opinions on TV shows, news, and other random topics. This is a great way to make some extra income for those who are unemployed or have some spare time.

What Is YouGov?

It is YouGov’s goal to be able to make a large amount of people participate in the decisions made by institutions. This way, these institutions can only improve and get better. YouGov does this by providing surveys to various countries and asking the general population about their thoughts and opinions on government and other topics.
The topics can vary from questions about your personality to your opinions about your national government among many others. Each time you complete a survey, you are awarded points. These points can be cashed out for gift cards such as Amazon, Fandango, etc.

How Do I Sign-Up For YouGov And Start Making Money Right Away?

Signing-up for YouGov is very simple and can be done in just 4 steps.
1. Register. You can register for a new YouGov account by clicking this link here. All that is required is an email and to create a password, or you can log-in using Facebook credentials. You’ll be sent an email that needs to be verified before you can continue any further. You can support FFL by using our referral link.
2. Complete your first survey. Now that your email is confirmed, you’ll notice on the front page that you can take your first survey. This one just asks you some general information about yourself such as your age, race and annual income. If you don’t feel free to share, you can select that you prefer not to answer.
3. Take more surveys. You can take more surveys by filtering by topic or category, or you can just scroll down on the main page to see more surveys available. The more you take, the more points you earn.
4. Cash out. Once you get enough points, you can cash out for gift cards that are sent directly to your address on file or via email. There are about 20 different selections that you can make.

How Much Money Can I Earn With YouGov?

You need a minimum of 5,000 points before you can redeem for your first gift card. You can redeem your points for a gift card of your choosing, yet the amount your points are worth is determined by the gift card that you select.
For example, 30,000 points can get you a $25 dollars gift card to Fandango, but it takes 40,000 points to get you a gift card to AMC theaters for the same amount of money. Usually the higher dollar values that you cash out for, the more value you can get for your points. The $100 dollar Visa Gift Card can be redeemed for 100,000 points making 1,000 points equal to a dollar. Yet if you use this money to redeem for the AMC gift card, your points are worth a little less.
The amount you can earn per survey depends on how many questions it has and how difficult the questions are. Ones that you can take very quickly (1 -2 minutes) can earn you anywhere from 200 – 500 points. For longer ones along with the introduction survey, you can make up to 2,000 points per survey. It varies greatly, and you’ll have to take a lot of surveys first before you can determine how much YouGov gives out. However, compared to other survey sites, it’s a pretty good deal.

How Can I Make Even More Money?
YouGov has a referral program as well. Every time you refer a friend who completes 3 surveys, you automatically earn 2,000 points. If you’d like to support FFL, you can use our referral link here.

Final Thoughts

YouGov is pretty straightforward: sign-up, take surveys and cash out. This is great for someone looking for employment or needs some extra cash in their free time.
YouGov is an international-based company, so don’t give up on registering for an account if you’re based outside of the US. YouGov will accept members from many different countries.
The best part about YouGov is that there are usually many surveys to choose from and the topics they select are very interesting compared to many other survey sites. You’ll get a minimum of 2 surveys per day that you can fill out. Have you signed-up for YouGov? Let us know what you think about it in the comments below. Thanks for reading and happy frugaling!

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